• Slovenian-BiH bilateral research project "Comparative Analysis of Characteristics of Local Democracy in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina" (head of the project associate professor Simona Kukovič, Bosnian partner Univeristy of Sarajevo, professor Damir Kapidžić, from 1.7. 2021 to 30.6. 2023).
  • Slovenian-US bilateral research project "Woman as Leaders of Local Communities: Comparison between Slovenia and US(head of the project professor Miro Haček, US partner Black Hills State University, professor Trenton Ellis, from 1.10. 2019 to 30.9. 2021).
  • Slovenian-Austrian bilateral research project "Local democracy without political parties: Comparison between Austria and Slovenia" (head of the project professor Miro Haček, Austrian partner University of Salzburg, professor Reinhard K. Heinisch, from 1.1. 2020 to 31.12. 2022).
  • Slovenian-Lithuanian bilateral research project "Woman as Leaders of Local Communities: Comparison between Slovenia and Lithuania(head of the project professor Miro Haček, Lithuanian partner Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, professor Aiste Lazauskiene, from 1.1. 2020 to 31.12. 2022).
  • Project "Administrative Capacity of Slovenian municipalities", cooperation with Slovenian municipalities, 2018-2024. 
  • COST Action CA15207 "Professionalisation and Social Impact of European Political Science" (ProSEPS), 2016-2021; Slovenian representatives are prof. Miro Haček and prof. Simona Kukovič.
  • COST Action CA17135 "Constitution-making and Deliberative Democracy" (ConstDeb), 2018-2022; Slovenian representatives are prof. Miro Haček and prof. Simona Kukovič.
  • Research Programme "Defence Science", 2021 (professors Miro Haček, Marjan Brezovšek and Simona Kukovič as members). 


  • Post-doc research project "Leading Local Community: Bureaucratisation of politics or Politicisation of Bureaucracy?", head of the project associate professor Simona Kukovic, from 1.9.2018 to 31.12.2020. More about the project here.
  • Targeted Reseach Project "Fiscal Capacity of Slovenian municipalities" (head prof. dr. Vladimir Prebilič, researcher professor Miro Haček, from 1.10.2019 to 31.12.2020).
  • Slovenian-Monte Negro bilateral research project "Human Resources Management in Monte Negro and Slovenian Municipalities" (head of the project professor Miro Haček, Monte Negro partner Faculty of State and European Studies Podgorica, professor Milenko Popović, from 1.8. 2018 to 31.7 2021).
  • Slovenian-US bilateral research project "Administrative Capacity of Local Communities: Comparison between United States and Slovenia" (head of the project associate professor Simona Kukovic, US partner University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, professor Maureen Berner, from 1.1.2018 to 31.12.2019).
  • Slovenian-US bilateral research project "Sustainable Use of Resources on Local Level: Comparison Between American and Slovenian Communities" (head of the project professor Marjan Brezovsek, US partner Black Hills State University, professor Trenton Ellis, from 1.1.2018 to 31.12.2019).
  • Slovenian-German bilateral research project "Politicization of civil service: comparison between Germany and Slovenia" (head of the project professor Miro Hacek, German partner University of Konstanz/Darmstadt, professor Nathalie Behnke, from 1.4.2017 to 31.3.2019). For more info on the bilateral projects click here.
  • Slovenian-US bilateral research project "Responding to the European Refugee Crisis: A Comparison of Slovene and American Audiences" (head of the project professor Miro Hacek, US partner University of Oklahoma, professor Ana Bracic, from 1.2.2017 to 31.12.2018).
  • Slovenian-American bilateral research project "Active citizenship and patriotism among the youth: comparison of US and Slovenian pupils" (head of the project professor Miro Haček, American partner South Dakota State University, professor Meredith Redlin, from 1.4.2015 until 31.12.2016).
  • Slovenian-US bilateral research project "Who are leaders of rural local communities: comparison between Slovenia and US" (head of the project associate  professor Simona Kukovic, US partner South Dakota State University, professor Mary Emery, from 1.1.2016 to 31.12.2017).
  • Slovenian-Monte Negro bilateral research project "Sustainable use of human resources on the local level: comparison between Monte Negro and Slovenia" (head of the project associate professor Simona Kukovič, Monte Negro partner Faculty of State and European Studies Podgorica, prof. Milenko Popović, from 1.1.2016 to 31.12.2017).
  • Slovenian-Austrian bilateral research project "Sustainable use of resources on the local level: comparison between Austrian and Slovenian mountainous municipalities" (head of the project associate professor Simona Kukovič, Austrian partner University of Salzburg, dr. Armin Mühlböck, from 1.1.2016 to 31.12.2017).
  • Erasmus+ KA2 curriculum building project "EuroPS" with 8 partner universities and lead partner, University of Salzburg; coordinator prof. Miro Hacek (10/2015 to 9/2017).
  • COST Action IS1207 „Local Public Sector Reforms: An International Comparison" (LocRef), 2013-2017; Slovenian representatives from CAAPPI prof. Miro Haček and prof. Simona Kukovič.
  • European Social Fund and Slovenian Ministry of Education and Sport co-funded research project Uspešno vključevanje Romov v vzgojo in izobraževanje II” (Successful incorporation of Roma into the educational system II) (project leader of the project at the Faculty of Social Sciences prof. Marjan Brezovšek, from 1.9.2011 until 31.8.2014, 2,3 FTE).
  • Slovenian-American bilateral research project »Posledice socialne izključenosti žensk iz izobraževalnega sistema na vključenost žensk v politiko« (The consenquences of social exclusion of women from the education system to the women's inclussion in politics) (head of the project professor Marjan Brezovšek, American partner South Dakota State University, Professor Meredith Redlin, from 1.1.2012 until 31.12.2013). For more info on the bilateral projects click here.
  • Targeted research project “Socialna integracija mladih v slovensko vzgojno izobraževalni system” (Social integration of youth into the Slovenian educational system) (head of the project professor Miro Hacek, from 1.10.2010 until 30.9.2012, project code V5-1028; 2,8 FTE).
  • Targeted research project »Procesi regionalizacije in nadaljnji razvoj slovenskega šolskega sistema« (The processes of the regionalisation and future development of the Slovenian education system) (head of the project professor Miro Haček, from 1.9.2008 until 30.8.2010, project code V4-416; 0,93 FTE).
  • Slovenian-American bilateral research project »Koalicijsko povezovanje in vloga političnih strank v slovenskih in ameriških lokalnih skupnostih: empirična analiza« (Coalition-building and the role of political parties in Slovenian and American local communities: an empirical analysis) (head of the project professor Miro Haček, American partner South Dakota State University, Professor Gary Augiar, from 1.7.2009 until 30.6.2012).
  • Targeted research project »Varnostna kultura in ravnanje s tajnimi podatki v MORS in SV« (Security culture and secret data management in the Ministry of Defence and in the Slovenian Armed Forces) (head of the project professor Marjan Brezovšek, from 1.8.2007 until 31.7.2009, project code M4-208; 1,78 FTE).
  • Targeted research project »Razvoj patriotizma med mladimi« (The development of patriotism among youth) (head of the project Associate Professor Miro Haček, from 1.8.2007 until 31.7.2009, project code M4-201; 1,92 FTE).
  • Targeted research project »Domovinska in patriotska vzgoja v Republiki Sloveniji« (Homeland and patriotic education in Slovenia) (head of the project professor Miro Haček, from 1.6.2006 until 31.5.2007, project code M5-179; 0,43 FTE).
  • Targeted research project »Organizacijska in varnostna kultura v MORS in v SV« (Organisational and security culture in the Ministry of Defence and in the Slovenian Armed Forces) (head of the project professor Marjan Brezovšek, from 1.6.2006 until 30.11.2007, project code M5-188; 0,53 FTE).
  • Targeted research project »Upravljavska sposobnost in koalicijsko povezovanje v slovenskih občinah« (Administrative capacity and coalition-building in Slovenian municipalities) (head of the project professor Miro Haček, from 1.10.2006 until 30.9.2008, project code V5-265).
  • Targeted research project »Reševanje romske problematike v Sloveniji s poudarkom na socialni inkluzivnosti Romov v šolski sistem« (Solving of Roma problems in Slovenia with an emphasis on the Roma’s social inclusiveness in the education system) (head of the project professor Miro Haček, from 1.10.2006 until 30.9.2008, project code V5-231).
  • Targeted research project »Državljanska in domovinska vzgoja v slovenskem šolstvu« (Patriotic and civic education in Slovenian schools) (head of the project professor Miro Haček, from 1.10.2006 until 30.9.2008, project code V5-235).
  • Targeted research project »Lokalna demokracija v Republiki Sloveniji« (Local democracy in Slovenia) (head of the project Associate Professor Marjan Brezovšek, from 1.10.2003 until 30.9.2005, project code V5-816).